Having worked with innumerable PRs over the years, it becomes clear who the real A-teams are, and the J team really are some of the best in the business.... It has been a pleasure to work with them, and I look forward to many adventures to come.
The Travel Diaries
The JPR team is extremely focused, effective, fast and creative. The media relations campaign deployed was highly impactful and delivered meaningful exposure across a multitude of platforms, from which we saw tangible results and sales - all this during a very challenging time in hospitality.
The Mitre, Hampton Court UK
The past 7 months have been trying for our industry (to put it lightly) and J/PR has found ways to inspire, innovate and help us, Utah, begin paving the path to recovery. We sincerely appreciate having them as part of the UOT "extended family" and look forward to more exciting work to come!
Utah Office of Tourism
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A Culture of Collaboration
From happy hours at Citizen Public House to yoga sessions set against the stunning Sonoran Desert scenery, the J/PR Scottsdale team loves to get out and explore their city together. In addition to these more relaxed moments, our Culture Committee coordinates various get-togethers and charitable opportunities throughout the year to give back to communities in need.