people hanging out in mykonos

Cali Mykonos x Missoni


Luxury Brand Partnership


Various Locations


  • 8.8M+ Estimated Reach
  • 8.8M Total Potential Impressions
  • 2 Featured Articles


  • Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • Brand Partnerships
  • Influencer Marketing

In 2024, J/PR was tasked with delivering a partnership for client, Cali Mykonos, with a global fashion house. The aim was to bring brand awareness to Missoni’s clients and cement Cali Mykonos as a destination for high fashion.

J/PR successfully approached Missoni and coordinated a meaningful collaboration from start to finish. Missoni hosted a global tastemakers trip with their brand ambassadors and an array of Europe’s top fashion Editors at Cali Mykonos. The brand bought a significant number of top suites at the hotel bringing both revenue and brand visibility to Cali Mykonos.

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